A great day at our newest property

Aug 27 2020

Larry Maupin


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I never know what to expect on any fishing trip, especially one where I have no idea what the place looks like or what I'll find. Whatever expectations I had, this trip exceeded them!

Weather was mild for August - high in the mid 90s, sunny, light breeze. We easily navigated to the launch area, launched right at dawn and threw topwaters as usual. Only got two strikes and none of them in the boat. 

I switched to one of my favorite lures, Z-Man's Sledgehammer Chatterbait and it was game on! Caught what was to be the biggest of the day, the fattest bass I've ever seen. Almost 5.5 pounds and 21.25".


We fished around the whole lake twice catching one here and there and took a break about 11 for lunch. Took off again and covered areas where we had caught fish earlier. My buddy caught his biggest of the year (so far) also about 5 pounds:


Steve told me the lake has lots of 8" gizzard shad, so I tried a big lure that has caught some big ones at Lake Fork but never tried it on a PWF lake. Caught this on the fifth cast of my AC Plug:

Caught a few more nice ones:


Caught three nice crappie and lost two others.

Just before a storm moved in we found a honey hole between the little dock and the large cove southeast of it. The Chatterbait did the trick but we also caught them on silver Rattletraps and crawdad crankbaits. None on Senko which surprised me. Caught 5 over 21"! My buddy lost one at the boat that looked to be over 6 pounds - broke his newly spooled 14 lb line. Man, we both hated to miss that one! But we know where they live now and we'll be back!!!

The south end looks fishy but we didn't catch anything there. Much of the lake so shallow so all of the fish we caught were in or near deeper water (8-11 ft.). The water clarity was low so noisy flashy lures worked best. Ended around 3 with about 18 bass caught and 3 crappie. All bass returned and 3 crappie removed. Bass ranged from 10" to 21.25". Water clarity was 16-18". Lake seems about 12-18" low but the owner said it was about normal for this time of year. Very nice fellow by the way. He really wants everything to be great for the PWF members who go there. He's working on the launch area adding rock to the ramp and removing more trees. The main road in to the cabin, was all weather rock and the road down to the lake is well established through two pastures. Shade trees at the launch site provide a welcome respite from the heat.

I had a chance to check out the cabin. It's very clean, comfortable and quaint with antique decor, a nice parlor, two bedrooms and a nicely shaded patio with a fire ring. We will definitely be back soon, probably with the wives. 

Aug 27 2020

Scott Quigley


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Wow, that is a great day Larry, congrats!  Great tip on the loud and flashy lures.  Also you are right on, Claude, the land owner is great; he has really gone above and beyond to get his property ready for the club and will only make it better from here.

Aug 27 2020

Cole Porter


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Y'all really put the hammer on them. Good job, great report.

Cole PWF

Aug 27 2020

Larry Maupin


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Thanks, Scott and Cole. It was a memorable day for sure. 

Aug 27 2020

Robert Lundin


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In that 4th photo it looks like you were using a creek chub plug.  Not sure if it was but I haven't thrown one of those since I lived up north and fished for Northerns and Muskies.   Very healthy fish, lots of gizzard shad in those gullets.  A great day that I'm sure has and will create  a lot of excitement in the club going into the fall season.  Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Aug 27 2020

Stephen Johnston


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Great report. I booked a reservation for my son and I earlier today. What colors did you find worked the best?

Aug 28 2020

Larry Maupin


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Thanks, Bob. It's called the AC Plug, made by Fred Arbogast I believe. It was $20 about 30 years ago 

Aug 28 2020

Larry Maupin


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Thanks, Stephen. White/silver/shad colors worked best. Nothing with firetiger, pumpkinseed or brown worked. Rattling noisy crankbaits and chatterbait vibrations helped I'm sure. Your results may vary. LOL We caught some within 10' of shore but the big ones were in 5-6' water near deeper water. 90 percent of our fish were caught in the area around the little pier and south of there.

I hope you and your son have a great outing. 

Aug 28 2020

Stephen Conover


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Congrats, Larry!  What day did you fish?

Aug 28 2020

Larry Maupin


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We were there Wednesday of this week.