Good Afternoon at JerMar

Aug 22 2020

Kerry Wages


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Reservation Number : 25578
Property Name : JerMar Lake
Reservation Date : 08/21/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 7/ 2 @4lb +;4 @2-3lb;1 cull
Lures Used : Blk & Blue Swim Jig + Grn Pumkin Wacky Worm

Got on the water about 3pm & fished 5 hours..Caught 7 total bass---one 4lb+ bewtween brush piles in the center on blk/ blue swim jig w/ trailer running by the vegitation edge & the other 4lb in the SW corner near the dock area on a dark grn toad (both before 5pm)..Drifting from center deep to the West side, using grn pumpkin wacky rig & unweighted dark ribbit frog took care of the rest. Not much acton on the East side or close to the damn....No action on crankbaits...Kinda warm out there but the light breeze helped. Good Luck