Jul 30 2020
Mike Fay
Reservation Number : 25252
Property Name : Nix Ranch: Lake TCU
Reservation Date : 07/29/2020 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 50+ up to 5lbs
Lures Used : Poppers, Senko wacky and straight hooked, worms
2 of us fished Lake TCU for the first time and were not disappointed. We got lucky with overcast all day, high of 90 and a few very light sprinkle showers (no need for rain gear). We fished from 6:15 to 3:30 with a break for lunch. Great top water bite till about 8:30 with probably 15-20 fish caught on top water. Best top water action was near island across from boat launch. Switched to worms and Senkos and caught fish all over the lake including letting the boat drift across the lake (wind was 10-15) dragging Senkos with small weight across bottom. Picked up 1-4 fish each drift. We culled just 5 fish and all other fish were very healthy chunky fish. 10 fish over 4 lbs with one 5 lb fish. Most of the rest were solid 3 lb fish. We did not meet the famous "Dub" while were out there. Maybe next time. Good day and we will be back. Beautiful property!