Schools were open today

Jul 29 2020

Robert Lundin


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Reservation Number : 25378
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 07/28/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 15 from 12” to 17”
Lures Used : Red shad senko

 We arrived around 12:30.  Got the boat loaded and the rain started.  So the first class was held for my grandson marlin spike seamanship or knot tying.  After that we had another class on lures both names and technique. Still raining at 2:30. Next class was fishing lies, how to embellish a fishing story.  At 3:30 still drizzle but we launched and headed to the old dam and picked up a few on west side of dam. Move over to the next point going north and again picked up a couple on the red shad wacky style.   At this point it was around 5:30 and we headed south to the dam. Before we got to the dam there was a boil on the water.  Had grandson grab his beetle spin and throw into the boil.  We chased the boil until around 6:30 . We ended with 8 bass by chasing them. I tried a sexy shad crank bait, no takers.  The beetle spin 1/8 oz. in white.  Tried top water before quitting at 7 pm. One good blow up on a ribbit. Hooked up but got buried in the weeds.  Lake is in great shape, lots of open water and the weeds are on the surface.  Took 3 small ones home for the rose bushes.