Jul 13 2020
Jared Harpole
Reservation Number : 25200
Property Name : Rock Chimney
Reservation Date : 07/12/2020 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 10/.20-5lbs
Lures Used : Swim Jig/TRW
Arrived at Rock Chimney around 6:40AM and fished from the bank until 11:45AM. Water clarity was 6" and the tank is low as others have mentioned. Things were slower than when I went last time but I ended up catching 10 with 1 right at 5lbs, 3 dinks, and 6 between 1.5-3lbs. I missed 2 (came off) and had about 4-5 more strikes where the fish did not want to commit. All fish were caught close to the bank in shallow water less than 3' and in many cases less than 1.5'. I Caught over half of them on the swim jig including the 5lber. My set up was similar to my last trip, a Dirty Jigs 1/4 oz black and blue jig with a black and blue Reins 3.25" Fat Rockvibe Shad as a trailer. I also used a Z-man Fatty Z June bug color on a 1/8 oz TT Lures Snakelockz Jig head. I changed the color of the Fatty Z from the last time I went out. I also tried using a heavier jig 3/8 oz with a SK rage craw but this did not seem to work. Additionally, I tried spinner baits and a rattle trap which did not produce anything. I used a moderate retrieve speed and went as slow as I could without constantly hitting the weeds. I did not burn the swim jig as they did not seem to want that. I am no expert on these things but from my experience with this lake right now the fish seem to want a more subtle presentation which is why I used the swim jig and TRW. It was hot but I had a great time. I enclosed a map below with some details on where I caught them including where I caught the 5lber.