Top Water Blast

Jul 09 2020

Kevin Fuller

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 25194
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 07/09/2020 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 12 up to 3.5 lbs
Lures Used : Flies

​Fished Triple J this am.  Caught 12 nice chunker bass between 2 and 3.5 pounds with no culls all on the fly rod.  Caught 11 on a deer hair frog popper between 6:00 am and 8:15 am close to the bank on the launch side and in the flat close to the duck blind.  Lots of fun watching those bass crush a top water fly.   By 8:15 it was pretty much over.  Caught one more bass about 11:00 am across the lake from the launch on sinking line with a clouser in a little bit deeper water just out from the line of trees/stumps that line that bank.  

I haven’t been on Triple J in about a year.  The lake is in great shape - thanks PW.  The size of the bass seemed bigger and the lake is virtually free of the matted vegetation that used to cover much of the lake in the summer months - used to be kinda like the big lake at Bluebonnet - now its all cleaned up.  Water was less murky than I remember in past trips as well.  

It has been a few weeks since I’ve been able to fish on a PW lake as I’ve been fishing with my middle son off our bass boat on public lakes pre fishing and fishing in high school bass tournaments - gotta say its great to be on a PW lake again and getting to catch some quality bass without having to deal with jet skiers, water skiers and tons of other fisherman chasing highly pressured fish in the same places.  We have it so good on our lakes.  Great to get out this am.