Jun 25 2020
Robert Lundin
Reservation Number : 24972
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 06/24/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 22 Bass and over a dozen coppernose
Lures Used : Flukes frogs and dragonfly
Since I'm not allowed to fish alone (old age) I had Gloria tagalong with me today. I loaded up the fishing gear she loaded up some clay and pottery tools. We stopped in Cleburne to pick up fried chicken. Got to the lake setup our table and chairs on the dock in the shade. We had a great lunch and now we got to fish. I started at the dock and caught a few on flukes and a ribbit frog. I also noticed at the dock the bluegills were on the beds and the bass were close by waiting for an opportunity. That was the theme today, looking for beds and finding bass. When we sat down for lunch we had a nice breeze from the southeast. After a couple of hours the wind switched around coming from the north. Again just a light breeze. Ended up with 22 bass with two of them just over 5 lbs. the next unique thing to happen was a hatch occurred around 5 pm. Little brown flies. I put on a 1/8 oz. beetle spin in white as the coppernose were feasting all over the lake. This was the second time I have witness a hatch on Six O and the coppernose go into a feeding frenzy. Any fly fishermen in the club should target this action. Last time this happened the flies were black. For members with young kids there are plenty of bluegills around the dock. Easy to catch on bread ball of cheap white bread. Lake is in great shape and the bass are healthy. Oh I also caught two bass on a lunkerhunt dragon fly (blue).
Jun 25 2020
Steve Carpenter
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Great report. Haven't fish Six O in a while