Good morning at Beaver Lake

Jun 18 2020

Steve Alston


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I had a wonderful morning at Beaver Lake today. Weather was perfect for kayaking around the lake. Caught 14 with only 2 dinks at 13" the rest were all 14 to 15" with a lot of bite.

Started fishing a 9am and the bite lasted until 10:15 and then everything got really quiet. Caught all fish on soft baits. 4" & 5" yum dingers on Tx.Rig. and Wacky Rig. The lake has 

a lot of grass which can be difficult to fish. Best results was popping the baits into those pockets around the edge of the shore grass line.

PS: Read the instructions on directions really well as its a bit confusing when your actually there looking for the property.Lol