Father's Day Miracle

Jun 15 2020

Brad Wemhoener


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Reservation Number : 24896
Property Name : Five Finger Springs
Reservation Date : 06/14/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 4/ 1-2 Lbs
Lures Used : White Swim jig/white rage tail trailer

Somehow I made it to the lake with a torn/flapping boat cover and a car (just out of the shop) with engine problems only to discover that the concrete boat ramp is underwater with significant mud at the shoreline. So much for trying to enjoy Father's Day with the family without losing my cool.

Not willing to tempt fate any further, I fished from the boat launch area and managed 4 fish in about 2 hours on a white swim jig with a white rage tail trailer. Tried frogs, green swim jig, brushhog, and swim bait with no success. Fish were in deeper water (middle third of the waterway between the shorelines).

It was a beautiful evening and my family really enjoyed the property. Boat cover is now in the garbage and the car limped home well enough.