Glad I brought the fly rod

May 31 2020

Craig Awtrey


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Reservation Number : 24672
Property Name : Five Finger Springs
Reservation Date : 05/30/2020 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 16 up to 2lbs
Lures Used : everything, and a fly

Beautiful property, arrived a little before 6am, the property was recently mowed. Got on the water around 6:10am. Very light breeze, and very light action. Two hours in and I had landed one 2lb bass on a creature bait bouncing it off the bottom. I had an ultralight rod with me, and threw some crappie jigs and landed some bluegill and tiny bass. Saw a really big snake swim across the water when I was throwing the ultralight. After a break for lunch(10:30am, when the bite is slow go ahead and eat right?), I headed back out on the water, and decided to change things up.

Per Jim's really good post on fly tackle, I picked up an Orvis Encounter outfit. I haven't really used it, got out once to a pond for 10 minutes just to practice the basic motions of fly casting. But today it became the game changer. After my lunch break, I put most of the rods back in the car, and kept one spinning rod, one ultralight, and the fly rod. I didn't wait long to pick it up and start throwing it, and within 20 minutes I had my first bluegill on the fly rod. Ended up landing another dozen or so on the fly rod. I kept this up until about 5pm when I decided conditions weren't going to change enough to entice a strong bite.

This was my second trip to this property. Vegetation has grown up a lot here, but it is still very fishable. There seemed to be some suspended sediment diffusing light in the water. Slight green tint to the water. Didn't get a temp on the water but it was cold to the touch.

May 31 2020

Kevin Fuller

Slot Fish

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I'm a fly rodder and I may be weird but I love catching bluegill on the fly rod - it takes me back to being a little kid with a cane pole and creek fishing with my Grandad.   I love catching bass on the floppy rod as well and most of the time that's what I'm mainly chasing but picking up those bluegill in between bass bits is sure a lot of fun.  

May 31 2020

Steve Alexander


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That green sediment in the water is plankton. We have been fertilzing this lake for a plankton bloom. I'm tickled that you mentioned this. The water had been clear to 8 feet. Clear water is sterile water. Sterile water does not grow fish.