May 30 2020
Brad Wemhoener
Reservation Number : 24665
Property Name : Five Finger Springs
Reservation Date : 05/29/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 9/ 5LMB 1-2 lbs and 4 bluegill
Lures Used : Jig, flies, brushhog, frogs
Fished with fellow PWF member John, who graciously allowed me to cart him around the lake and frequently clean the grass from the trolling motor. Fished entire lake with no discernable pattern, mostly with green pumpkin brushhog and a redcraw trailed jig.
John could have caught 30-40 bluegill on his fly rod, but instead let me win the day by letting me catch more fish than him. All mine were on the brushhog in tight to shore. He caught bluegill and his LMB on the fly.
All in all, great fellowship on the water, brought to us by PWF. Weather was nice, water was clear, wind was relatively calm, and the fish were like children, to be seen and not heard. Would have been nice to entice a few more into the boat, but still better than work.
May 31 2020
John Daniels
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Great report Brad LOL