Beautiful Day at Waterboo

Apr 09 2020

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 23766
Property Name : Waterboo Lake: Bedrock Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/08/2020 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 11 with 8 culls
Lures Used : Flies and soft swimbait

Beautiful day at Waterboo Lake. Full moon guided me to the lake and the rolling hills of Redrock Ranch. Great way to break the cabin fever. Fished from 7:30 to 2:30. Lake is full pool and looks great. Water temp was 67 raising to 70 when I called it a day. Not sure what the visibility is but you can see your fly/lure as far as you can throw it which makes it fun when you see your fly/lure getting ambushed. Caught 11 of which 8 were culls but had many other strikes but no hookups – fish too small I wonder. This is perplexing to me since we’ve been culling since the lake has come into PWF fold. Caught fish all around the lake on fly and smallest soft swimbait I own.

They didn't like anything on top water however. Waterboo is still a great place to go to get away from everything, Pic is from the creek where I had lunch.

Apr 09 2020

Bruce Kirby


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How was the vegetation situation?  Never been there and thinking of going but didn’t want to hit a place where moss, etc might be out of control….


Apr 09 2020

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Bruce - with the lake being full pool there is a lot less surface vegetation than normal. There is grass under the surface to the right of the launch area - the shallow end of the lake away from the dam. When lake is lower this area has large bunches of grass all the way to the surface. Try anything weedless pulled thru or on top of the grass. Take the smallest flies/lure you own.