Apr 02 2020
James Spencer
Reservation Number : 23410
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/01/2020 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 4 < 14", 4 @15", 1@20"
Lures Used : all plastics. Shad D best in green colors best
We had made our reservation several weeks out and the weather looked pretty good. While we found a beautiful sky and temperatures in the low seventy's we did not expect the wind. The wind averaged 15 mph all day. The boat, while very nice and large, requires a large motor and battery to operate in this weather. On our first trip out we had to paddle with the motor at full power to return to the dock. We bank fished the remainder of the day.
The water is clear and the lake is full. We found most of the fish hanging at the grass line in about 4' of water. I think we would have had a great day with either a bigger trolling motor or less wind. My wife did land a nice 3# fish.
We love this property and will return.
Apr 02 2020
Steve Alexander
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Hi James,
That's a bummer when your trolling motor battery gives out. I would recommend a couple of options for those who have not bought a trolling motor yet or are considering purchasing or upgrading a new one.
1) Buy a minimum of 40 lb thrust. Do not buy a 30 lb. But 50 or 55 lb is even better. For an extra $100 its worth it. The Endura C2 50 or 55 is a great little motor https://mk.factoryoutletstore.com/cat/20866/Minn-Kota-Transom-Mount-Trolling-Motors.html?cid=15785&chid=1&campaignid=51582513&adgroupid=12285965193&creative=141600005172&targetid=kwd-38863004185&matchtype=p&device=c&network=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmpb0BRCBARIsAG7y4zYjIkI3k7PpqN4FUhveyJI8HbTSpo526MG9W8ckmj0OcabKtHhwPRMaAuc2EALw_wcB
Always have two batteries, just in case one didn't take a charge or is older. Always have a back up. Get a 27 series EverStart. We often get 4 years out of them, but keeping them indoors and on a trickle charger.