Mar 30 2020
Wayne Pruitt
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 22898
Property Name : Waco Creek Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/28/2020 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 119 Fish 3 - 8 1/2 Pounds
Lures Used : Z Craw Green Pump Flash
Definition of Best Results Ever: The biggest average size fish per fish caught. An Unbelievable Day To Say the Least!
It was good to get out of Houston and turn off the effects of the COVID 19 outbreak in our heads. Too many across our nation and around the world are suffering, if not from the disease itself, the negative financial impacts associated with this virus. I hope and pray PWF and the lakes we love are not effected because we all need a way to relieve the stress of whats happening. This too shall pass and we will move on eventually. Hopefully we will be smarter/quicker to prevent the spread of something none of us were prepared for. Amen!
OK lets talk fishing............We started the day off at the boat in the dark hoping to get an early start. Mother nature said different. The cold front passed through just before daylight so we sat in the truck watching the thunder and lightning show. After watching 30 minutes of what we thought was going to be a big delay we ventured out of the truck and Phil went to throwing a Z Craw off of the bank to test the waters and give mother nature a little time to make up her mind. Phil hammered two (2) 5 pounders back to back so we were thinking this might be better than a good day:-) Anxious to get started, we finished getting the gear loaded in the boat and off we went. I threw a chatter bait, lizards, carolina rigged baits, texas rigged baits, paddle tails but eventually settled in on the Z Craw Green Pumpkin Flash no weight. We started throwing at light enough to see and quit at almost too dark to see before it was all said and done. Surprisingly enough, nothing happening in the middle waters or around the trees. Everything was caught for the most part beating the banks all the way around the lake. This lake is in amazing shape and 100% fishable. What was the most amazing part of it all was that we averaged 3 to 6 pounders all day long. We may never see this kind of quality all day long again. The spawn is in full bloom. Most of the females are still full of eggs and both the buck bass and females are sporting red bellies from fanning beds. Very few culls for the large number of fish caught. I think 14 culls was all. No lunch break, just snacked a couple of times as we fished. The biggest fish of the day resulted in my last cast right before dark. A nice 8 1/2 pounder which we forgot to get a length measurement on for the big fish contest. We even had the fish stix ruler in the boat. We were just too eager to get her back in the water and call it a day with that one being on the last cast. We took so many photos with our phones of great fish that it got to the point it looked like we were taking photos of the same fish over and over. Trust me, all different fish at all different times of the day. We had fished here about 2 weeks ago with only 40 something fish caught with what we thought was awesome results. This trip far exceeded that trip. We were willing to bet a DD was going to happen today. With the results we ended up with we cannot complain. No whining here. To catch over 100 fish is a huge accomplishment and says a lot about a lake but to average all 3 to 6 pounders with each fish is all together an even bigger accomplishment. And these fish pull harder than their weight. They are just mean and cocky fish in this lake. It is a shame that it is so far from Houston to get to Waco Creek Ranch or we would be fishing there even more often than we do. But, we have lots of great PWF lake options that produce great results if your willing to grind it out. I had one 5 pounder break me off around a brush pile early in the morning and Phil caught that same fish later in the afternoon. We were able to surgically remove my old bait and Phils new bait from the fish and gladly return it back to the water to grow up to be a DD in the near future. I am attaching random photos with too many to choose from. Enjoy! By the way those fish are waiting for you to book a trip to Waco Creek. The accommodations are new and very comfortable so there is no excuse not to get this lake on your calendar. We have just one complaint. Not really............The wild turkeys are constantly reminding you all day that it is spring turkey season with their constant chatter. They hang out down by the lake strutting and gobbling. Strutting and gobbling, gobbling and strutting, you get my drift. The coyotes are also a bit to contend with howling and howling. Does it get any better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO IT COULDN'T POSSIBLY. Wish we were there right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 30 2020
Marc Perry
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Awesome fish and report!!!!!! OMG after reading yall's report I want to quit my job and move there. My Brother in Law and Sister just moved to San Saba and live 8 miles from Waco Creek Ranch. My BIL hunts there during deer season. Before they moved there I got to spend a few nights in the old cabin about 2 years ago. Waco Creek Ranch is truly heaven on earth. Congrats on having a great day and thanks for sharing the report.