Feb 28 2020
Wayne Pruitt
Slot Fish
Post Oak - Feb. 22nd - 27 Fish
We started at sun up with the air temp at 33 degrees. Could not feel our fingers to thumb the spool on the reel. We hit some good fish throwing soft plastic. Nothing else seemed to work. The lake was in great shape and 100% fishable. Water temp was 53 degrees all day. Had to quit at 4pm and head back to Houston so we missed primed time between 4pm and dark. We are looking forward to this years bassin and it should be a record year for club members. Can't wait to get a few trips under our belt and see what this year brings us. Truly blessed to be a part of the PWF club and look forward to lots of good post from the members.
Phil Holding a Couple of Nice Post Oak Beauties - Glad to be posing with these Green Girls
Our Battery Bank for the 80 Thrust - Sure Makes Trolling a Breeze with the Inboard Charger and the Battery Bank Selector
Next Stop San Saba - Hope to Have Much Success
Tight Lines to All
Wayne & Phil Pruitt
Feb 28 2020
Bob Scheidemann
Slot Fish
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Great to see the two of you back in action!
I am looking forward to reading your forum posts this year!