Scattered fish; no real pattern

Jan 18 2020

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 22812
Property Name : Hickory Creek Ranch Lakes
Reservation Date : 01/17/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 23 / 8 harvested
Lures Used : wacky worms

Lake is near normal level, water is reasonably clear, and submerged vegetation isn't thick yet.  Ron Dupree and I worked to catch some bass but failed to find a convincing pattern.  We would have a flurry of activity and then it would suddenly stop.  We would find some later in another part of the lake and catch a few before they moved on. Most bass were 13-16". No signs of spawn yet.  Always a nice lake to fish with a helpful landowner.  The culling on this lake in the last 2 years is really showing results with healthy, larger bass. We noted vibrant color on most of the bass; really pretty fish.

Jan 19 2020

Keith Barfield


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Thanks for report John.  I notice you always seem to catch 'em, no matter the season or conditions.  The consistent numbers speak for themselves.  I need to head south to check out these fine properties.  Continued success in 2020! 

Jan 20 2020

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Thanks Keith.  i have my share of "bad" days but most of them come from a bass boat on public water rather than PWF properties.  I've been bass fishing for only six years and often feel that I'm missing making some important observation that would explain what the bass want or why I'm not getting strikes.  My typical response is to try a different lure or retrieve just to see what happens.  Sometimes it works!  This tends to reinforce my tendency to experiment and not stick with a bait that isn't working.
