Sep 03 2019
Greg Zimmerman
Reservation Number : 21996
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 08/31/2019 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 13 LMB
Lures Used : white chatterbait
I fished Triple J on 8/31/19, from 7:00am to 8:30am, then from 12:30pm to 5pm. i got on the water about 7 and worked the dam area until 8:30am when the weather got too bad and had to leave. Came back at 12:30pm after weather broke and fished until about 5pm. Caught 13 total in that time period, with the biggest 3 at 3lbs. Tough fishing day, but area of most consistent success was grass line in 5-7 feet at SW corner of dam. The water temperature was 82-83 because of the rain and cold front. The falling water temperature transition got me, I was challenged to figure it out and the fish won this day.