Jun 23 2019
Craig Awtrey
Reservation Number : 21653
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 06/22/2019 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 15 culls, 2 over 14", 1 crappie
Lures Used : ned rig, floating worm
It was windy and I was by alone so I dropped anchor at the spillway and pretty much only fished there.
By 8am, had caught 10 fish, including the 1 crappie, all on a ned rig.
Largest was 1lb 11oz.
Lots of dragonfly activity making the bass go crazy and jump out of the water so I tried a floating worm for a while and landed 5.
Bite died off around 10am and I worked topwater for another hour before calling it a day.
Jun 23 2019
Edd Goodson
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Hey Craig, thanks for the report. Glad you had a good day in spite of the wind. I do most of my fishing with a fly rod and have been developing a weedless fly to imitate the dragonfly. Do you recall the color of the dragonfly the the bass were after.