Jun 14 2019

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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I fished Post Oak on the morning of the 13th.  The lake is full to the spillway but no water is flowing out.  The water was very "milky" with visibility of 6-7".  It was sort of like fishing in a latte.  After what I thought was a reasonable start with two bass landed out of three blowups on a topwater "Tiny Torpedo", the morning turned SLOW.  I fished almost every corner of the lake (timber, flats, shell bed, shorelines, even the deep area near the dam) using my favorite lures then "bread and butter" lures then anything else I could think of.  No interest.  I caught two more small bass on a white and yellow stick worm from deep shade pockets at the base of trees.  Total for the day; 4 bass on five bites (all before 9 AM).  This wasn't my typical outcome for this great property. For those fishing after me this weekend, I didn't leave many sore mouths and most of the bass probably never even knew I was there.  I'm sure you will do better than I did.
