Post Oak Lake 5 27 19 am

May 30 2019

Jim Bennett

Slot Fish

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We had high hopes for our final Day 4, a half-day morning at Post Oak.  Fishing didn’t turn out so hot as earlier in the weekend.  We wound up with 9 fish from 7am –noon, all 2lbs or less.  The fish were much further out from shore, 50+ feet away, 4-6 ft water.  We marked some larger fish in the middle suspended at 10 ft, and got a couple on rattletraps, 2 lbers.  We did spot a few small shad balls in middle but could not get a pattern going. We noted there is almost no vegetation in this lake.  Are the grass carp eating it all?

The strangest beautiful thing did happen: We were back in the pond through the bridge at 0730 and a few-day-old spotted fawn swam out and tried to board our boat for several minutes.   I reached for my phone to record and realized I had left it on the dash.  It finally gave up and swam to the other shore, shook off, and stared at us in disbelief that we did not let it board. It scampered off to the trees and found its mama we guess. We just looked at each other and laughed for awhile. Once in a lifetime, unforgettable experience with my youngest son.