They Was Eatin Frogs

Apr 29 2019

Kevin Fuller

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 21162
Property Name : Crossroads Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/29/2019 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 20 with 6 culls
Lures Used : Files - Frog Popper/Ugly Bugger

Fished Bonham from about 7 am to 1:30.   Was trying out a new TFO 8 wt. Axiom II in the wind.  It was the bomb.  I was heaving a huge frog popper fly - it looks a lot like a conventional Hula Popper.  The rod slung the toad in the wind just fine and the bass were hitting em good.  Caught 8 nice bass - (2 to 3 pounds) with the frog fly and another 12 with my black ugly bugger.  Half of the 12 were culls but the rest were nice healthy bass over 2 pounds.  Nothing big but nice bass for a fly rodder.  There is lots of grass and shallow water on this place.  I caught most of my bass along the dam in the weeds and just outside the weeds next to the shore and several more on either side of the trees a little deeper.  Great way to spend a Monday.