Pruitt Brothers - Thrall “Quality Fish - Great New Club Lake” (See Some Nice Bass Pics)

Apr 29 2019

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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Left Houston Saturday morning at 2:30 AM headed for Taylor Texas to try out a new club lake. Too new to the club to have very many post but we had heard it would be challenging and totally opposite from our recent trip to Coalgate, Oklahoma. We fished hard & nonstop for over 11 hours and caught four solid (4) fish. This lake is all about Quality. If you have the patience and the willingness to keep a bait wet, then this is your lake. Here is the take home from the trip.

This is a beautiful lake with no vegetation issues. Lots’ of water to explore. Water temp was 72 and seriously stained from rain run off with less than 8 inches of visibility. Boat in the water at 7 AM and we were on the prowl. Phil started off at 7:15 AM catching a nice scrappy five (5) pounder on a Zoom ZCraw Carolina Rig. The northwest shoreline on the dam would produce the first fish. Wow, we are thinking this is going to be another big day. That’s a fish at least every 15 minutes is what we are thinking. We will take that………most of this lake averages 5 foot in depth with some flats and a few planted stick-ups. The wind was brutal all day and we circled this big lake many times in search of the next fish. At 11:20 AM we had made our way back to the northwest side of the lake on the dam and I stuck a football shaped LMB over 7 pounds (see pic) with a Texas Skirted Punch Rig with a Purple ZCraw (see pic) Trailer. OK remember the northwest side of the lake……….many more laps around the lake, up the middle, in the fingers of the jungle searching for anything that would resemble a fish. Nothing happening but white caps with very little protected water to get out the South East wind. Back down to the northwest side of the lake and at 1:20 PM I stuck a fat six (6) pounder (see pic) on a weightless Texas Rigged Weedless Blue Stiko Worm (see pic). These fish have shoulders and they pull like nobody’s business. By now we are convinced that the only place to fish on this lake is on the northwest side of the dam casting to the shoreline around the laid down trees. Phil would find our last fish at 5:30 PM. So far a 5, 6 & a 7 pounder under our belts after a long day with hundreds of cast. So we are thinking it’s an 8, 9 or a double d? Nope, a 2 pounder. We were certain there were no small fish in the lake until Phil stuck that one. A great day anyway you shake it out. A very humbling day as well. Our last outing producing 181 fish with four (4) of them weighing in over eight (8) pounds spoiled us. We could have got discouraged and left early calling it a day but we were determined to put in the work. As I have mentioned in previous post, I am not a big numbers guy…….…I can and will fish all day for that one right bite. If I know going in that I am going to fish hard all day with one (1) fish to show for it and it’s a double d, then sign me up.

We probably screwed up by going with bologna sandwiches instead of our secret weapon “the bacon” sandwiches. That’s got to be it……………what was I thinking changing up the MOJO?

As we were pulling the boat out of the water, the ranch owner and I talked a bit about his place and the lake. Super nice guy and he is anxious for our club members to enjoy catching quality fish on his place.

Give this lake a try if you are up for the challenge and willing to work hard for solid fish results. That’s not to say that numbers can’t be caught here. I just think that numbers are not going to be the norm here. Solid, quality fish can be found on this lake. We will be watching future post from club members on this lake. Pretty sure someone is going to stick a double digit bass at this premium lake location. Can’t wait to give it another shot.

The Pruitt (Bologna) Brothers - Ouch!

Apr 29 2019

Dave Newsom


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Good report and some good fish. Thanks Wayne!


Apr 29 2019

Steve Carpenter


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Thank you for the report. The fish really pull hard at this lake. Only a little over an hour from me, so I should fish it often. I need to bring my bacon next trip. Nice little diner in Thrall as well.


Apr 29 2019

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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Yes, if this lake were that close to us we would fish it often. It will make a better angler out of you for sure…...........and the reward is better than average when you hook up. I would really be satisfied if the two us  hit 20 to 30 fish there on a big day. That 5 fish sack would be awesome….............we were shocked to get a 2 pounder at the end of the day after the first 3 fish going 5, 6 & 7 pounds. Pro anglers would be foaming at the mouth to do warm up on this lake in prep for big competitive tournament. I bet someone snags a dd on this lake this spring/summer…............they are there.

Bacon is the ticket LOL - no time for a diner for us. When you drive over 3 hours to any location it just makes sense to brown bag it. We have literally caught fish while snacking or drinking a swig to hydrate…............we would be feeling guilty the whole time off the lake wondering what we missed by being gone. 

Send us an amazing post/report on your next trip there. We need someone to strike gold/hit pay dirt at Thrall and inspire us. We will be back there so fast…................for sure. 

Apr 29 2019

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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You are certainly welcome…...............Bet of Luck To You (BOLTU).

Apr 29 2019

Steve Carpenter


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Thanks Wayne. And your right, Hal the owner is a super nice man that hipes we do well. Think he practiced in Pasadena in your area before he retired.

Apr 29 2019

David May

Slot Fish

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Thanks for the report. Those are excellent fish!

May 01 2019

Larry Maupin


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Thanks for the extensive report. I'll be there Friday and I'm sure i can use all the help I can get. LOL

May 07 2019

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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Larry, did you make it to Thrall? I have not seen a report from you on it…..........just wondering how you did if you were able to fish it…....................

May 07 2019

Larry Maupin


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Hi Wayne. I was looking forward to going but the forecasted rain got worse and worse so we had to cancel. I'll be there after the rains stop, maybe 10 days or so… Who knows. I can't remember when we've had such a cool rainy spring.

May 07 2019

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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10-4 good luck when you get over there. I wish I were sitting on that lake right now…...........shows you where my heart is at :)