Apr 23 2019
Kevin Fuller
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 21049
Property Name : Live Oak Creek
Reservation Date : 04/23/2019 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 18 One 7 two 4's and some heavy 2's - 8 cull fish
Lures Used : All Flies
Fished Valley Mills with my buddy Kristian Cole from Tailwaters fly shop and we were all fly rods all day. He was on topwater frogs most of the day and I was on my trusty black ugly wooly bugger. Ugly because I tie them myself and I think the worse I tie them and the uglier they are the better the bass like em. We caught some nice fish today for the fly rod. Big was a certain 7 (maybe an 8 - no scale) and two good bass around 4 pounds. The rest were two pounds plus and 8 culls but even the cull fish were pretty good looking hard fighting fish. In addition we caught about 16 plate sized blue gills - some that fought harder than some of the bass. Caught most the fish along the shorelines. Kristian was catching them shallow on top and I was catching them off the shorelines but out a little deeper. Great day on the water and we only got rained on just a bit.