Beautiful Day

Apr 15 2019

Ron Wood


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My son and I fished Monday 15th. The lake treated us like we expected, ie, strong south winds blowing the entire length of the lake. I caught the first fish on the first cast at the launch site before we put the boat in the water, a pale 2.5 lb, still full of eggs. We launched and went straight to the other end of the dam and used the wind to propel us down the shore. Kevin caught his first 2+ lb fish shallow in the rocks. His next fish broke his rod but he managed to hand land the 4.8 lb fish, very strong fighter but had a bloody tail and still full of eggs. I couldn’t coax another bite, we tried different colors of TR worms, shallow and deep running crankbaits but no takers. By the time we had worked our way to the shallow north end the wind was ripping, white capping and eating up my battery. After making it back to the truck, we walked the length of the dam, I was thinking maybe to find a fish on a bed protected a little from the wind. Right in the corner I caught 2 twins both 3+lbs. both had eggs but I could tell she had been fanning a bed, the other still full of eggs and not looking like she was ready. 5 fish all healthy and fiesty. I love the seclusion, the road was a mess going down to the lake, standing water, deep ruts, sharp switchbacks, do not try with a low center vehicle. I was proud Kevin drove his4x4 truck, you will get a bone jarring ride, PWF didn’t lie when they tell you it’s a rough drive. I’ll be back, it was better than working, any day. Stay safe guys.

Apr 15 2019

Steve Alexander


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This lake does not usually turn out many numbers. But usually kicks out a few fish over 4 or 5 lbs each time it gets fished.