Senko worked very well!

Apr 09 2019

Guy Conces


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Reservation Number : 20921
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/09/2019 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 24 total. 10 under 2 lbs, 12 between 2 and 3 lbs, 2 at 4 pounds
Lures Used : Pumpkin senko for every single fish caught!

Apr 09 2019

Greg Zimmerman


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Congratulations Guy!  I was pretty amazed by the results of this lake when I fished on Sunday.  Lots of ag run-off causing the filamentous algae clumping everywhere, but with well-defined timber line along an original creek channel and very healthy bass in quality and quantity.  I think it must be a tough life to be a bass at this lake because I noticed a lot of blue heron scars on the smaller bass that I culled.  About a 20 minute drive from my house in Lakewood area of Dallas.