Angel Lake - 03/09/19

Mar 09 2019

Greg Zimmerman


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Reservation Number : 20502
Property Name : Angel Lake
Reservation Date : 03/09/2019 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 19; 4 culls; 15 @ 3 - 4.5
Lures Used : Spinnerbait and square bill

I fished Angel Lake on 03/09 from about 10:00am - 5:00pm, with the late start due to the line of storms that blew through the area early Saturday morning.  After the storms left, blue bird skies came with winds 15-20 mph, so I fished from the bank until about 1:00pm.  Most of the lake is fishable from the bank and I threw a chartruese spinnerbait with gold colorado blades and a keitech trailer.  Visibility was much better than I expected at about 2.5 feet.  The lake was full and several feet above its normal shore.  I caught fish in one foot of water to about nine feet depth and all in between, including the mouths of the two creeks that enter this lake that are about 2 feet deep and three feet wide.  Around 1:00pm, the wind subsided and I launched the boat and started throwing a squarebill.  Ended the day with 19 total, 4 of which were culls and the release fish being 3-4.5 lbs.  I really enjoy this little pond. It reminds me of fishing my favorite farm tank when I was a kid.  The description of this lake on the PWF website says solid 2.5 lb bass population.  I don't know when the lake was last electro-surveyed, but I would say that the bass have grown as my average was a very solid 3.5 lbs and 18-18.5 inches. Credit great management!