Feb 17 2019
Robert Lundin
Reservation Number : 20259
Property Name : Hickory Creek Ranch Lakes
Reservation Date : 02/16/2019 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 66
Lures Used : Zoom fluke
Arrived at noon very misty and cold, temps in upper 40's. Started at the dock bank fishing. Got the first bass on a square bill red craw. Then nothing for an hour. Went to the zoom super fluke and started walking towards the dam. We started catching them. Eventually we had to start using the zoom super magnum fluke to keep the small ones off the hook. Harvested 12 smaller ones as that is my limit on cleaning. Returned 21 bass from 15-16 inches to 20 inches back to the lake. We also caught 30 Hugh crappies around the stumps. They were 15 to 16 inches and fat. I saw nothing in web site about harvesting them so we returned them to the lake. Never made it to back lake. We packed up and left at 5 pm. I think going to the magnum helped in getting some bigger fish. Went through 3 packs of magnum flukes and 2 packs of super flukes. Of course we used watermelon seed color. Just a fun day for my son in law as he doesn't get to fish often.
Feb 17 2019
Bob Scheidemann
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Sounds like you had a great time fishing with your son! Hard to beat the big lake at HC for action!