Nice Day on Waterboo

Nov 07 2018

Tom Dillon


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After driving the almost-10 miles to the lake in the dark yesterday morning, I was very glad I my little Forester had all-wheel drive. I drove under 10 mph so as to not shake my trailer apart. Bed Rock Ranch is aptly-named! Dawn arrived while I was on my way, and just past the low-water crossing, a little forkhorn whitetail crossed the road right in front of me.  Cool. When I got to the lake, there was no wind at all – it was completely calm,  clear, and a frosty 47°. After I loaded the boat and launched, I found the water temp to be 58.5°, cooler than I had anticipated. The lake level was a couple of feet over the small dock, and visibility in the main lake was about 5 feet – about 3 in the creek. The hydrilla did not reach the surface; nor did the pond weed, except for isolated leaves. As predicted, I had no phone signal.

I boated my first fish at 0730, an 11-incher that slammed  a red craw squarebill about 50 yards from the west bank, halfway from the dock to the dam I was casting out, not toward the bank. Just 5 minutes later,  again about halfway from the first fish to the dam, a 14” fish hit the same lure – again, casting out. At 0740, I boated another 14-incher on the same lure, casting south into 9 feet of water. All three of those fish slammed the lure after about 5 cranks of the reel handle. Those were followed by 3 dinks, all on a white, ¼ oz Beetle Spin. Going back to the squarebill, I picked up another 14” fish in the northeast corner.

After that, there was nothing until I got back into the creek. On the way there, I saw 3 deer moving across the short grass from the road down toward where the creek forks.  On the west bank of the creek, not far from the long point, I picked up a 13” fish on a green pumpkin/chartreuse tail, weightless, wacky-rigged Senko (WWRS). That was to be the only contact with a fish that I encountered in the creek. I never did find that 7-foot-deep channel In the creek; 5 feet was the deepest water I could find down there (3' on my Humminbird).

I moved back to the main lake and tied a small swim bait onto one of my ultra-light rigs, and promptly proceeded to boat 3 dinks, all in deeper water off the point at the end of the bluff bank. I also got another 14” fighter off that same point on the same Senko mentioned above. That was about 10:00, when the wind started blowing gently, with gusts to only about 5 mph.

Around noon, a 13-inch fish hit the swim bait. At 12:40, a 14” fish slammed the same bait at the west end of the dam, retrieving it fast over the top of the pond grass. Ten minutes later, I caught my biggest fish of the day, a 15-incher that hit the same red, craw-patterned squarebill. The forecast wind of 15 mph blew in around 2:00. After 2 hours of boating nothing but healthy hydrilla and rotting leaves, I decided that I was tired enough, and had enjoyed about as much as I could stand. The water temp when I left had climbed to 62.4°.

My total for the day was only 16 bass, all under 15”, with all but one under the 14-inch mark. I never even hooked a rock bass or bluegill, and saw no baitfish at all. Still, it was good to be outdoors and on a beautiful little lake on our one annual day of Autumn in Texas. I trailered, pulled out, loaded up, and “limped” back to the pavement – that took an hour.

Totals:  16 bass, all returned

WHAT WORKED:   ½ oz, 6- to 9- foot depth, squarebill crankbait (sorry, but I don’t know what brand – red crawfish); WWRS (green pumpkin/chartreuse tail); ¼ oz Beetle Spin (white), Tom’s Minner (ivory/grey back; these are more than 54 years old, made by a gut in Round Rock, TX; I fished them on both a ¼ oz, unpainted jig head and a ¼ oz jighead covered with some kind of white fuzz – Mister Twister made them in the 70s, but I don’t know if they ever marketed them.); White Magic (bone); HB frog (white/green); 3” ountdown Rapala (gold/black back, red belly)

WHAT DIDN’T:   Shad- and perch-pattern crankbaits; deep crankbaits of any color; Senkos of any color except green pumpkin/chartreuse tail; white buzzbait, perch chatterbait, 4” Pit Boss (watermelon/orange); perch-pattern jerk bait; T-rigged craw (watermelonorange flake).

[NOTES:  Almost all bass caught hit at depths either between 3 and 8 feet or between 15 and 17 feet (My transducer is mounted under my trolling motor – you can do the easy math.)

Also, on the slow drive back to the gate, I couldn’t help but notice that pretty pond on the left of the road. Looked “bassy.” I don’t know if we’re allowed to fish it or not, so I didn’t stop. It sure is pretty, though....and that's an absolutely beautiful Texas Longhorn up by the gate!]

One additional comment: please see my “Word to the Wise” post in the Discussions Section.

Nov 07 2018

Steve Carpenter


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Great detailed report Tom. Always enjoy reading about your trips.

Nov 08 2018

Tom Dillon


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Thank you, Steve. I always hope that they’ll help someone.

Nov 08 2018

Robert Lundin


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Tom, you are like having a fishing guide in the boat with me. I get lots of insight into trying different lures and techniques. The best fishing guide in my opinion is the one that doesn't fish but instructs on how to fish.  Great report.

Nov 08 2018

Keith Barfield


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I agree with the others Tom.  Great report, as usual!  Sorry you did not have another "entry" into the Dillon notebook.  It's only a matter of time.  Next trip!

Nov 08 2018

Tom Dillon


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You guys are too kind. Thank you.