Personal Best at Hat and Star

Sep 30 2018

Alfred Burns


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Went to Gilmer Hat and Star with my son Joe on Sept 27th. What a pretty setting. The weather was calm and the skies overcast. We started working the main point of the lake in the timber then worked our way along the West shorline towards the North. We only had picked up one fish on a topwater. We both changed to a dropshot rig with a Z Man Hula Stick and the action picked up. We had boated 9 nice culls, 15-16 inches each when the property owner pulled up along the North shore. He suggested we work the channel off the main point to the South. Just as he pulled away I set the hook on a 5lb 8oz bass. We decided to stay put where we were. After several more bass and a really large Crappie, I hooked into what would be my personal best. I set the hook on what felt like a moving slab of concrete. Joe and I stared in awe as the big fish surfaced, shaking her head trying to throw the hook. After a really exciting run directly under the boat I boated the 26 3/8 inch bass. The scale topped out at 10 lbs 12 oz. After about 1:00pm things really went dead. We ended the day returning the bigger fish mentioned and culling 18.

I want to express thanks to the all the gang at Private Water Fishing. Where else can a person experience so many numerous unique bodies of private water like this organization provides? Where else can I experience the value of a private fishing experience with my sons and their kids where we have a whole lake to ourselves that is properly managed for great bass fishing? I grew up thinking a 10 bass day was exceptional. I still do but I've learned a lot from the fishing reports of the club members and feel like a much better fisherman as a result. I have been a club member for less than a year and admit I certainly didn't anticipate a 10 lb. bass this soon. Last spring we had a 40 plus fish day at Laneville Hidden Springs. What a beautiful place that was. What a great day with my boys. Thanks so much for this great organization!  

Oct 01 2018

Keith Barfield


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Congratulations Alfred!  Beautiful fish.  You set the bar pretty high with that PB in your first year in the club.  I assume that length would have won the big bass contest in most years.  I echo your comments on the unique opportunities we have with PWF.

Oct 01 2018

David May

Slot Fish

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That is simply an outstanding catch! Nicely done. Many are the days when the full stringer doesn't weigh 10 pound 12 oz!

Oct 01 2018

Steve Carpenter


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Great fish. Congratulations

Oct 01 2018

Bob Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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What a beauty, congrats!


Oct 02 2018

Steve Alexander


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What a beast. This lake has likely produced as many fish over 9 lbs as any lake in the club. We do not keep records, as many members do not share or post. But, It "feels" like this lake has produced so many 9lb+ bass. About 3 years ago, we had a member catch two over 10 lbs in the same trip (In October) at Gilmer Hat and Star. 

Thanks for the kind words about the club. It is so much fun to see smiles on peoples faces. 

Oct 02 2018

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Oct 02 2018

Tom Dillon


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Alfred, welcome to the club, and congratulations for catching that behemoth! It must have been especially nice to do so with your son in the boat with you. Neither you nor Joe will ever forget that beautiful fish! Well done, Sir!

Oct 02 2018

Greg Davis


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Way big congrats Alfred!

I hope there are many more there for you !!!!!!