Big Fish Still at Dogwood East (See Big Fish Photo Attached) AND THE SECRET SPOT REVEALED!

Aug 21 2018

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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Dogwood East was on fire in July and August of 2017. Everyone keeps asking what happened to the big fish at Dogwood…........well they are still there for those who are willing to grind it out and target one fish. Those fish did not get huge from being dumb. They are there and hard to entice for sure. 

It is hot and unpleasant to fish all day for that one bite that may or may not come. Patience is a virtue that most of us anglers do not have in our tackle box. I definitely inherited my Dad's lack of patience, so I am speaking from first hand experience. 

A hard hitting big fish hook up on a deep diving crank bait ended up in a battle with the fish coming out on top. That hog wrapped around every stick up of cover it could find resulting in a cut line and no fish. Disappointed to say the least on this battle that could have went either way but it went big greeny's way this time. Yep the one that got away…...................

Fish were caught and some good ones too…................See the attached photo of the bucket mouth that did cooperate….................caught at 8 PM after grinding it out. Lots of Gatorade consumed prior to catching this beauty. Square Bill Crank Bait of Course! No soft plastic, Carolina Rig, chatter bait, or anything else in the tackle box would get it done…...............only a SQUARE BILL CRANK BAIT. 

Rocky is always good for a pointer or two and all I can say is there is a brush pile between two pear trees holding these monsters if someone is diligent enough to give it a shot. I guarantee you that if you find those "two pear trees" on the deep end you will find the scaly treasure we are all looking for. I will be back to find that not so secret spot and that is a fact.

OK, you are wondering why would I reveal where I know the big fish are hanging. The answer is simple - why would I want to deprive another member of catching a fish of a life time. I am going to fish Dogwood maybe 3 times a year because of all of the other club lake options we have to choose from. You will thank me later when it happens for you :) and I will be excited for and with you! Those big fish are there and waiting for the right bait to entice them into that split second of enjoyment that we all patiently or impatiently await….........the HOOK UP! 

Aug 21 2018

Bob Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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Nice fish! Did you get a weight on the one you landed?

 Sorry the big one broke off!

Always enjoy reading you and your brothers reports!


Aug 21 2018

David Curtis


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Way to grind!

Thank you for sharing your success with others. I'm sure both Rocky and Steve appreciate your willingness to market the lakes on their behalf. 

Congratulations on your ability to stay focused and earn a great photo. I sense that you are accustomed to catching nice fish but the ones that you had to work for seem to be remembered the most.   

Aug 23 2018

Larry Maupin


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Great report. Thanks, Wayne!