Knew it was going to be a good afternoon

Aug 13 2018

Robert Lundin


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when you pull up to the gate and it opens with a keypad.  Nice scenic drive to the lake.  The lake is down a few feet and weeds go out  15 to 20 feet along the edge. Water was crystal clear. Started throwing topwater catching a few but a lot of short blowups.  Switched over to worms and beetle spin and started catching fish. Too many to count, about half under 14 inches the rest over.  Some of the top water fish maybe around 16 to 20 inches. Getting a lot of bites on worms without hook up so figured the bluegills were the culprits. I put on a 1/0 thin worm hook dressed it with a 4" red shad razor worm.  Casted it out and my spool must have been over filed as I had a mess of line on the deck. I cut the mess out and started to pull the line attached to the razor worm.  I thought I was stuck in the weeds but the weeds start to move. So I hand lined the fish to the boat. Attached is a photo of the brut. Had what looked like a tail of an 8" bass in its gullet and my 1/0 hook on the lip of the big bass. So did I originally have the 8" fish on razor worm and then the big bass come and swallow the bass. Thus freeing my hook which lodged in the lip of the big bass.   Anyways great day lots of fun and no rain.

Oct 06 2018

Larry Maupin


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Bob, that's a great looking fish! And an awesome story to go with it. Thanks for the fun report!

Oct 07 2018

Tom Dillon


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Good reason for that smile! Glad you had a good  day!

Oct 08 2018

Steve Alexander


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Good lesson. Fish Slow. 

The lake is up 3 feet from a month ago. With 2-4" of rain predicted tomorrow and saturated ground I expect the lake to come up some more and be close to full pool.