Jul 15 2018
James Stull
Took my 7 year old grandson to fish on July 8. We sat on the bench on the dock and fished from 7:30 to 10 am which is a long time for a 7 year old. Went to Bass Pro the day before and loaded up with a nice 6 lb line rod with plenty of action as well as hooks, sinkers, lures and worms. The earth worms were guaranteed (my experience) to bring some fish and indeed they did. Immediately caught sunfish with blue gills adding to the action. After 8 fish in 30 min he stopped counting. Caught too many to count.
The visit gave me a chance to scout out the lake for fly fishing later with my wavewalk boat. Cat tails along the north and east sides of the lakes look promising early in the morning so I plan to come back. Easy to get here from north Dallas and a beautiful little lake with water birds, etc. Nice to get out with air temperature at 75 degrees when we started and climbing slowly to 86 degrees when we left.
Jul 16 2018
Larry Maupin
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I like that lake too - have fished it numerous times. We always catch bass early along the grass line on the east shore from the dam north to the big trees. My wife lost one there using a Super Fluke and 20 pound line. Took her lure and took off - broke the line!
My biggest is about 5 pounds there, but someone caught an 8 pounder fishing off the same dock you guys did. Good memories!