Trying to figure out MK Ranch

Jun 18 2018

Rodney Schroeder


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Second trip to MK and still trying get this lake figured out.  Basically same results both trips.  The last on June 16 started at day break with popping perch and proceeded to miss several strikes.  Finally caught two and lost two or three more that got balled up in decomposing moss along the shorelines.  Picked up one with crankbank while going around the shoreline at least two rounds and throwing along the moss line.  Finally decided to try deeper and boated four in in about 30 minutes in upper end of lake between bouy and snags towrds boat house.  This was the only area I was able to find submerged green grass/moss in about 6-8 ' depth.  By now was 1:00 and winds began blowing 15+ so called it a day.  No fish harvested.  All released were 16"-20" and gave a good fight.  Only one of the 6  would be considered on thin side.  Must have been a decent spawn - saw small groups of bass fry 2-3".

Visibility was good to probably 3 feet. 

Posted By: Rodney Schroeder