Enjoyable Day at Back Side of the Moon

May 25 2018

Kit Carson


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Got on the water at 4:00 pm and fished to 7:30. This is a fantastic property and lake. The lake is full and  it was very windy with the wind swirling up and down the canyon. The water was very muddy. I caught four fish ranging from 14 1/2 inches to 19 1/2  inches. These fish are very hard fighters and appear to be over size for their length. I did’nt weigh them because my scale would not  work, but the biggest one had to be over five lbs. it was a chunk. I caught them on the south end around the rocks. I went about half way up to the north end to the shallow water but had no luck. Caught them all in a grape and black lizard. These were some of the hardest fighting fish I’ve seen. I’ll try to attac some photos. I’m on my phone.It was really an enjoyable day. 

Posted By: Kit Carson

May 26 2018

Steve Alexander


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That is a dead on report and fairly typical day of fishing at Bowie. Not a lot of fish, but the average weight and size of the bass is large. If you had fished all day instead of 3.5 hours you would have like caught 20 or so fish. 

Most of our members do not like fishing muddy water and consequently the lake sees few anglers. We do have a small contingency of members who love this lake. The lake is muddy because their is a huge contingency of common carp who keep the water stirred up.  Unlikely to change, so members enjoy the lake for its differences and really cool feel of being so remote. 

Thanks for taking time to write the report!!

May 26 2018

Kit Carson


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I really like this property. The water conditions and the lake in general is a challenge for me. I like high numbers when I can get them, but I enjoy a high quality fish more. These things are footballs! I have a question. I didn't catch any fish on the west side or in the shallow water. There is so much shallow water, will the bass go up in the shallow water on this lake? 

May 28 2018

Steve Alexander


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The fish will bite in the shallows. Check out Lunkers TV videos on UTube. He films a lot at this lake and they catch them flipping the brush in shallow water . In fact, both Justin Rackley (Lake Fork Guy) and Robert (Lunkers TV) recently each put up a video on this lake. They were fishing out of kayaks and the video.