Fun Morning at Rock Chimney

May 03 2018

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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I spent a delightful morning at Rock Chimney on May 2nd.  I arrived at dawn to a breezy, misting rain.  Actually pretty good fishing weather except that I had to keep wiping the tiny drops off my glasses. I walked the bank near the launch for about a half hour and landed six bass on a buzz bait.  The rain stopped and I launched my kayak to explore the rest of the lake. The filamentous algae has really bloomed recently and there is a moderately thick 2-8' rim around the lake.  Should provide good shade and cover for the bass this summer. The early topwater action seemed to have slowed so I started throwing a chatterbait and a squarebill and found that the squarebill worked better on windy banks and the chatterbait better in the creeks.  I also picked up a few on a floating "dead perch" lure.  I tried this because they kept grabbing a frog by a single leg rather than really committing.  The bite remained steady until the sun came out and the wind increased around 11 AM.  I ended up with 20-something; mostly 2 pounders with a few dinks and two approaching 4 pounds.  Pretty good for 4+ hours of solitude!  Just me, the bass, and a few turtles and egrets. I know there probably aren't any 10 pounders in this lake but I always have fun fishing here.

I didn't see Mr. Stanley (the landowner) this time.  He is a very sociable landowner and he usually stops by for a chat. 

Posted By: John Shepard