Pretty Nice Day

Mar 20 2018



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Slow Start because of the wind, but we ended the day with 35 fish between the two of us most between 2 - 5 lbs so who can complain about that!  Nice day of fishing beats a Monday at the office any day!  We kept three bass that were under the 16"  limit and caught no crappie.  

Most of what we caught were on spinners…This is always our favorite lake but I noticed a lot of the moss is gone from the lake…was this done on purpose?  Seems like the fishing is different than the last time we were here?  Just a thought.  We will be back though.

Posted By: Sherri WARREN

Mar 20 2018

Jacob Dever


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My wife and I were just out there and had a great day as well. The thing first thing we noticed was the lack of vegetation on the surface. We are great the fishing is different when it’s like that but great the less. I believe it’s just because of the time of year and that the vegetation will be back. But don’t know for sure.

Mar 21 2018

Steve Alexander


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I speak with the landowner frequently, and there is very little vegetation on the lake right now. Like most of our lakes, it dies back in the cold months and comes back as the water temps increase. This year the die off at San Saba was even greater because of a colder winter than the last few years. We hope to keep the vegetation to a minimum (15% of the lake) this year. We have 6 gallons of aquatic herbicide that will be spot sprayed as necessary.

We also have 8 new batteries and will be upgrading trolling motors by Fall. 

