Be careful about those Texas spring storms

Mar 09 2018

William Fetech


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Fished Blackjack on March 5th and got on the water around 7:30 and left around 3:30. 

The water temp was around 63 degrees and the water was stained. Skies in the morning were basically cloudy, but turned clear around noon. 

There was no top water bite early, but after lunch they were hitting on a white/chartreuse ribbit frog. 

There was not a pattern and I caught 5 with only one of those culled. Nothing near the pier or along the dam. The other fish were caught on a deeper running crank bait starting shallow and ending deep. 

Now for a little warning. I was watching the sky since a strong front was due in the afternoon. I noticed some clouds but none looked threatening. Since I was traveling to Post Oak to drop off my kayak, I decide to head in. In less than 5 minutes it went from calm, clear sky to stormy with winds almost white-capping the water. I got to shore before it really started raining and then spent the next 20 minutes in my 4Runner waiting out the storm. I had never seen a storm hit that quick and strong. 

Bill Fetech

Posted By: William Fetech