The Jury returns a verdict. 777 can be really good when the fish are biting

Mar 02 2018

Tom Peel


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Steve said someone would have a good day at Sugar Lake.

This is the report he has been waiting for.  

Tom Weilert and I fished this lake on March 2 with air temps In the 70’s

The day started slow and we thought the jury was about to return a verdict of guilty as charged.

But when the water temp hit 67, the bite was on.

Texas rigged red senkos and tequila sunrise worms were producing around the banks .

A couple of crankbait and spinner bait fish were caught as well.

But around 5-6 PM we hit the mother load with about a dozen buzz bait fish, 2 of them six pounders.

That my friends is as good as it gets. 

A total of 25 with 2 sixes, 2 fives, 4 fours and lots of threes.  

I easily lost two more in the five to six range that flew out of the water and spit the buzz.

So “Rock On” Steve…this is a good one.   We believe your survey. 

Posted By: Tom Peel

Mar 03 2018

Steve Alexander


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Thanks Tom,

That is exactly what our electrofish survey showed, a lake full of 4-6 lb fish. We shocked up all size classes including one over 9 lbs. However, the first 3 trips to 777 were slow and nobody went back for almost a year. Thanks for proving that we can catch them by hook and line!
