HIgh hopes

Dec 19 2017

Rodney Schroeder


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First trip to this new lake.  Weather predictions looked favorable all week so booked a Sunday morning slot (12/17).  Rain forecast for Saturday came true but much more than expected.  Drove from Tyler to ranch in heavy fog a nd combined with the ark morning went by entrance a couple of times.  Gate with A&M sign was open so could not see it.  Good thing road to lake is extremely sandy or would have been issue with water standing in road.

Once on the water it looked like it could be one of those hoped for days.  Light wind, cloudy cover, temp in the mid 40's and hoot owls hooting. First fish at 7:05 on top water that was a 13" football.  In the fog and way he pulled the little Pelican boat I was expecting much bigger.  Continued top water and had four released up to 17" by 8:00.  Again all looked like had been well fed and some explosive hits. And then it happened - not a nibble for the next 2 1/2 hours.  Finally caught another 16-17" release fish on worm next to big cedar tree across the lake form homes.

Lake has great vertical structure and is almost like fishing the timber on Toledo years ago.  Decaying grass still present and is quite aromatic. Did not have depth finder so was in dark most of the time but more than likely would not have changed the outcome greatly.  I did not see where any fresh water was coming into lake but upper end was somewhat stained with about 1 1/2 foot visibility.

After seeing the lake and how fat and feisty these the fish are another trip is difinitely in the near future.  Hopefully not 4-5 hours after 2+ inches of rain.

Posted By: Rodney Schroeder

Dec 19 2017

Cole Porter


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That is a great lake, I fished it in the summer and caught great numbers and bass up to 4 lbs. on TX & Whacky Rigged Water/Red Senkos. Key for me was using heavy 1/4 oz. lead headed whacky hooks ( Big Bite ), and heavy 1/4 oz - 7/16 oz tungsten on TX rigs. Should be a fun bite in the spring. I focused on the deeper portion of the lake and the sides extending towards timber, but never going past where the timber really begins. Cole PWF

Dec 19 2017

Steve Carpenter


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Fishing post oak on Thursday because its supposed to get into the 70's. Hope the rain has not roiled the water too much. Never know what to expect this time of year. Still nice to get out and fish regardless.