Top water and timber

Sep 04 2017

William Fetech


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Fished Escondido the morning of September 4 with Andy Dear and his son Jackson. The lake is probably down 4-5 ft. Be careful with your trailers as I got stuck when pulling my kayak out. I guess that hard pack only goes so far. Andy said my back tires sank a good six inches in an instant. Luckily Andy had a 4-wheel drive and I had a strong tow rope. 

Now for the fishing report. 

I caught 15 and only 2 were culled. Top water along the dam first thing worked well on  a yellow/white ribbit frog and a white buzz bait. Outside grassline worked the best. Caught 6-7 all in the 2-3 # range. Around 9 decided to try banging square billed cranks off standing timber. Unfortunately some of the standing timber is now in much shallower water and weeds were an issue. Focused on standing timber in deeper water and that was the pattern I used until we left around noon. I caught the remaining 8 on a shad colored square billed crank with two at 4# each. 

I think Andy and Jackson caught around 8 total. 

Water clarity was minimal as the water was stained. No water temperature report as my electronics had some type of wiring issue (worked the night before and again when I got home). Probably should have spent a little time reseating the connections. 


Posted By: William Fetech

Sep 05 2017

Steve Alexander


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Glad you found some gas. No one canceled all weekend. The gas scare was shortlived. 

Sep 14 2017

Andrew Dear


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We had most of our luck on watermelon flukes around timber in 3-4 feet of water. We didn't cull anything, and most of the fish were solid 2-3lbs. Bill's observation about weeds being an issue is correct. We had a heckuva time back in the back where all the lily pads were at. Normally this is 2-3 feet, and now its less than 12".  I always find it interesting to fish lakes where the water is low because you get to see so much stuff that you never knew was there, and this was no exception. 

Fishing with Bill is always a treat because he and my 9 year old have a bit of a rivalry going on. Jackson told me when we got home "Well….Mr. Bill finally beat me today". LOL

Sep 14 2017

William Fetech


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Andy. Always a fun time with you and Jackson. Now the whole world knows either how good Jackson is or how bad of a fisherman I am. 
