83 at Lago Escondido & Latest Top Producing Baits on Hot Days

Aug 07 2017

Philip Pruitt


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What an impressive set up! Easy access off the highway and the lake amenities are top shelf. The two boats are very comfortable with double batteries, pedestal seats and the covered patios are nice to enjoy a quick bite of lunch. Restroom facility to boot….....you San Antonio area boys are lucky to have this close by, Houston is a drive - wish we had a Lago E. just outside of H town ......! This lake can be tricky finding an active bass pattern. Brother Wayne and I went to work using some baits that typically work as fish finders and then narrowed it down to the baits that produce consistently. The first 2 hours of fishing were disappointing to say the least. Very little success. Finally, we hit pay dirt with two (2) baits that have quickly become our Ace in Hole Baits. A Chatter Bait rigged with a "Zoom Z Craw" dipped with chartreuse garlic (see photo below) and a Zoom Z Craw Carolina Rig dipped in the same (see photo below this one not dipped) ended up being the go to bass producing baits. I don't know the science behind the garlic dip but there is really something to it. An occasional sniff will also keep you awake on a hot sultry day LOL. Much better reaction strikes with that tail glowing for sure. 83 bass ranging from 2 pounds to 5 pounds was the final count. Since we are so competitive, we only count boated fish (near misses not included and there were a few) and we carry a fish counter to confirm the final count. This trip would be my brothers turn on numbers and big fish count. Wayne 43 total and with the best 5 fish and me at 40 Fish. All in all a pretty good outing I would say. We did have a little success on Bass Pro Shop Candy Corn Stiko's Texas Rigged Weightless (we call them cheetos - see our "Black Jack Attack" post for photo of the bait) but they only accounted for about 10 of the 83 fish. We will absolutely fish this lake again. Maybe do some dove hunting in Hondo one day and a Little Lago E. one day to combine the two events. We are slowly making our way through the list of club lakes and enjoying "almost" everyone of them. Nothing more fun than making great memories on a new bass lake and sporting a sore bass thumb!

Photos below: Left photo depicts the most productive two (2) baits in the boat lately - notice the strike king tungsten bullet weight with the peg x stoppers, this bait is crazy effective..................Middle photo is the representation of the typical size caught at Lago E................Right photo is the peg x stoppers which is the best way to lock down your bullet weight for Carolina rigging and Texas rigging when you want the weight secured. All top secret stuff that we are sharing with our PWF buddies. Try these out and see if your numbers go up............................ :)

Posted By: Philip Pruitt

Aug 07 2017

Shayne Wallace


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DANG!  I might buy a Team Pruitt t shirt…   haha!  Way to go guys!  No mercy in the heat.  

Aug 08 2017

Philip Pruitt


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It is Too Two 2 Stinking Hot! Thanks Shane for being a fan ......... we are sure fans of yours - the big fish guy .........smiley we weren't sure that anyone was reading our post LOL. We are not the typical rest and relax fishing guys to a fault. We make it way more work than we should at our age. Wayne is 60 next month and I was 58 in Feb. Not young puppies anymore. We may one day slow down and be happy with a few bites and fish, we are just not there yet. We shoot for 100 and settle for what happens. But it is not for the lack of effort. Wayne has caught more Double D's than anyone I know. He has definitely showed me a thing or two. Saying that, we typically carry way too many rods, baits and gear. Poster children for Academy, Cabelas and Bass Pro Shop - again LOL. Enjoying PWF and all of the different options on lakes. We have buddies laugh at us and say you guys are fishing in aquariums….........we say pair up and come on if you think it is that easy. None of our buddies will bite….........don't think they could hold up in the heat nor crazy enough to fish for 12 to 14 hours straight like we do. We don't have T-Shirts yet Shane but you might be on to something. In the mean time we will wear yours….........I'm a Large and Wayne is an X-Large. Keep your post and big fish photos coming buddy. Always good to see where you have been and seeing the fruits of your hard work as well. 

Aug 08 2017

Tom Dillon


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Congratulations for a great day on the water. Sounds like the two of you fish a lot like I do - very little time off for resting, eating, etc. Glad y'all had a great day at Escondido. Lots closer to Houston than to the northwest side of Big D!  My pond boat almosst always looks like a tackle shop, too (Just ask Steve).

Aug 08 2017

William Fetech


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And only 50 minutes from my house. It is my FAVORITE PWF property!!

Great fishing and great facilities. 


Aug 08 2017

Shayne Wallace


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Mr Philip if you and your brother get up and over around Heartland or Broseco my son and I would love to fish with you and your brother. It will have to be after football season though, my fishing partner plays at Texas A&M-Commerce.  Mr Tom I read your posts and I am in awe… I have a hard time remembering my name much less how many fish I caught on each bait. Very detailed. I love it! Also how the heck do you fish that many baits in a day? Shoot! I struggle changing colors on the same soft plastics. 

Aug 08 2017

Tom Dillon


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Shayne, it's pretty easy with 12 or 13 rigged rods in the boat….and I take pretty meticulous notes while fishing. I try to record every bass. And yes, sometimes I do get all tangled up in my rods and tackle. :)

Aug 10 2017

Shayne Wallace


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12 or 13 rods?!  Oh my!  Aren't you a kayak fisherman?!   Michael and I have a total of 10 rigged rods between two guys in an 18ft boat and I still have to be careful when I trounce around in the boat while trying to land a "gooden".

Aug 11 2017

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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i usually have 8 on the deck in my RT188; if i get anymore, gonna have to buy a bigger boat.  The temp needs to go down a little for me to get out there all day.  i can do it, but several hours will be spent resting (and drinking water) under my bimini top.  everyone fishing these hot days - good luck and stay hydrated.

Aug 11 2017

William Fetech


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Shayne. I am the kayak fisherman. I usually have 6 rods with me.  

My trick to staying hydrated is to mix gatoraid with my water so I am getting the needed electrolytes constantly.
