BlackJack Ranch in the Heat of the Summer- 7/19/2016

Jul 20 2017

Robert Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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John Shepard and I arrived on the property at 10AM and essentially fished from the new jon boat till sunset. Caught 30 LMB, mostly between 16 to 19.5" and only three dinks which were culled. All healthy, with the larger ones putting up a good fight!

Conditions: sunny day punctuated by occasional sporadic cloud cover. Water temp 92F throughout the tank except for the sw corner of the dam (due to an influx of fresh water from a nearby well) where it cooled down to 90F. Shifting wind from the south slightly picked up from ~ 3mph in the morning to perhaps 5mph by the late afternoon. Significant submerged weed growth north of the pier. Sporadic submerged weed growth along the rest of the shoreline. 

Fished the entire tank and found all of the sporadic action (2-3 bass per spot) south of the pier. Threw at the banks, submerged tank shoulders, channels, brushpiles…and the deepest part of the lake near the central part of the dam. Tried fishing from the pier for 30min at the start and from the dam at the end of the day with zero bites! 

Main lure/technique that produced…senko like stick baits (green pumpkin, watermelon and black with blue flake) on weightless wacky, followed by splitshot/carolina rig, dropshot, chartreuse/white chatter with a green pumpkin or watermelon paddletail, and finally one or two on medium to shallow cranks.

Can't wait to return in the fall!


Posted By: Robert Scheidemann

Jul 20 2017

Tom Dillon


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Way to go, Bob - sounds like y'all had a really good day!

Jul 21 2017

William Fetech


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Bob.  Great report. I also plan on fishing there in the fall. 


Jul 21 2017

Robert Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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Thanks Tom and Bill. I always enjoy reading each of your reports, as well! I just picked up the itch to fish for LMB in the last two years and have ​found a nugget or two of knowledge on the PWF tanks that you guys fish via the reports that you post on the forum board!

I also have to give a shout out to John S. for turning me on to PWF and sharing numerous techniques that have rapidly accelerated my knowledge and appreciation of the sport! Full disclosure…John usually catches the lion's share when we fish together but I I'm starting to keep the final tally close!

Looking forward to fishing with Tom up at Grapeland this fall. Perhaps we might be able to get together for a day and fish one of the tanks between SA and Htown (BJR, Post Oak or Rock Chimney) this fall Bill. 


Jul 22 2017

William Fetech


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Bob. Always looking for a partner. BJR sounds good for the fall. 
