Jul 13 2017
Andrew Schoonover
Even though it was hot (100 degrees) it was such a great day. Fished 430-830 Nice breeze but not too much to throw the boat around. It was just one of those days that you reminds you that God is good.
The fish were biting…but I couldn't catch them. I always start off with a senko to locate fish. I had a 4/0 hook on the 5' with natural colors (pumpkin, watermelon, black). I started at the pier and worked myself to the dam and around the other side. I caught 3-4 but had 20+ bites. I figured that I would downsize the hook to a 3/0 just to see if I could get some more hooks in mouths as I assumed they were nibblers on the smaller size. As I turned the corner on the far side of the dam I threw one between the dam and the southernmost PVC pipe and I hooked into one. I know…the "ones that got away" stories are lame but this one was a monster. My PB is a 10.2. I don't remember my PB pulling this hard or taking as much line off the reel as this one did. He ran, a couple head shakes, ran again, another set of head shakes and the hook came loose. Head in hands cursing myself for downsizing to a 3/0….but it was super fun for the 15 seconds I had her on. I'm 80% sure it was a bass because of the big run and the head shakes that the biggies tend to do when hooked… but it could have been something else. I know someone hooked into a biggie a few weeks back. There was an 11ish caught here last year. All that to say is there are some monsters lurking in this pond!!!
I ended the day with 12 with 1 dink. I had 3 over 4lbs which was fun. The interesting thing is that I couldnt get anything to hit closer than 20 ft from shore (with the exception of the pile closest to the pier). I tucked the boat in as shallow as I could get with the trolling motor still able to function and then threw to the middle of the lake. I would get my bites on the fall (the big one) or on the first couple twitches. I was throwing senkos (t-rig and whacky…no noticeable difference) and lizards most of the day. Nothing happening on cranks, swimbaits, or topwater.
Thanks again Steve and team for providing such a great experience.
Posted By: Andrew Schoonover
Jul 13 2017
Robert Scheidemann
Slot Fish
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Andrew, thanks for sharing the report on your recent trip to BJR….most appreciated! BJR is one of my favorite tanks to fish proximal to Houston! Hope to return to fish it soon!