Decent numbers (Slow for PWF?)

Jun 19 2017

Rodney Schroeder


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First time to Riley.  Pushed off the bank at 6:10 and had fish on first cast before moving 10 feet.  Could not get depth finder to work so continued with a Pop-r and made a complete circle of the lake picking up 4-5 along the way.  Many more short strikes and blow-ups and probably lost as many as caught before getting to boat. Next hour plus was trying various reliable baits and trying to figure out depths with out graph and boated only several pounds of moss and grass.  Decided to go with a finesse worm and work the laydowns and button bush.  Picked up another 3-4.  About 10 realized noon and end of reservation was fast approaching so picked up a shallow crank and caught 4-5 more in matter of 30 minutes and about 100 yards of bank.  Tried graph one more time and came on like a charm so tried finding deeper water and tryint ot find a bigger fish but only found deeper water.

For the day ended harvesting 15 from 10 to 12 inches and nothing larger to release.  This lake has the look and feel that should have some bigger fish swimming around but unable to have on over 14". 

Water was slightly over spillway and clarity to at least 2 feet.  Once graph came on temp was in high 80's.

Clouds and breeze kept air temp down and a slight ripple on the water but bite was slow coming in 30 minutes spurts and parts of the lake.

Saw lots of large brim in shallows but almost no bait fish.

Posted By: Rodney Schroeder