First cast...

Jun 17 2017

Andrew Schoonover


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...should have been my last. Caught a 5.1lb on the first cast of the day on a frog and it was tough from there on out. Despite 100 degrees, bluebird skies, 15 mph wind had a great time. Wind was too much for the boat so stuck to land. Water was down 2 or 3 feet from full and muddy due to wind. Was hoping for good surface activity like Andy and Bill had last week but I didn't see much. Caught total of 12 fish, no dinks, at all depths w a range of lures. Frog and 12' plum worm were the best. North end was so low it was almost unfishable but neat to see the channels that I'm assuming fish will hang out along as the water rises back up. 

Posted By: Andrew Schoonover