Afternoon buzzing at Blackjack

Jun 13 2017

William Fetech


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Fished Blackjack with Andy Dear and his son Jackson on June 11 from about 8-4.  Weather conditions were mostly sunny skies with winds in the morning 5-10 and a little windier in the afternoon.

The water was stained with temperature in the low 80's.

I caught about 8 (several came unbuttoned at the kayak).  My two biggest were 3-10 and 2-9.  Jackson also had a 3-10.  We each culled 2.

There was no top-water bite early, but after lunch Andy tried a white buzz bait and I think he said they caught 10-12.  I caught the 2-9 on a buzz in about 1ft of water.  I did have success at the various brush piles.

Bill Fetech

Posted By: William Fetech

Jun 13 2017

Andrew Dear


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It was a good day…bite was mediocre and all over te place in the morning with no real pattern. After lunch the wind picked up and blew the baitfish to the back of the lake, and the fish followed. We landed twelve in one hour on white buzzbaits with most over 2 pounds. The bite was pretty isolated to the area from the pier/dock to the back of the lake. The fish wer REALLY agressive, as Jackson had 2 over 3 pounds go FULL AIRBORNE on the strike. Interestingly enough there were a lot of fish chasing bait and making wakes, and we were able to sightcast to them…like redfish on the flats!  All in all good day with good company and good food at Elm Creek Cafe.
