Jun 11 2017
David Vaughan
well guys I went to my favorite spot today I love it there it was pretty windy today
So I headed to the dock (nice dock) tied up grab my rubber worm threw it towards the on ramp to hook a huge hog she went up under the chain that holds the dock wrapped around as I was trying to grab her with my hands she broke everything I want to hit rewind that's the second Hogg have lost there nevertheless it's so exciting.
When I was leaving the property the gate usually opens prior to getting to it it did not register or open so I had to jump the fence and re-press the code FYI I love this place I love this place
Posted By: David Vaughan
Jun 12 2017
Jason Grant
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I went there about a month or so ago. It was also super windy. So much so that I hid way back in the trees for some relief. After tiring of fishing the same water and catching dinks, I floated to the main part of the lake. First cast, a 7Lber. Next cast, a 5.5Lber. A couple of casts later, a 6.5Lber. Almost 20Lbs of fish in 15 mins! Can't wait to go back. My best day on PWF waters after 5 years of membership. And you're right, that place is beautiful.