Friday, Apr 28th @ Sulphur Bluff - Timber Lake (steady, sporadic action and scary strong fish)

Apr 30 2017

Mark Daugherty


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We fished Timber Lake on Friday - we were blessed to have beautiful weather before the wind and storms blew in on Saturday.  BTW - I pray everybody's houses and properties are fine and also that our club landowners didn't suffer any damage.  My report is so very similar to Mr. Barfield's from the 23rd, so I won't go into great detail.  We ended up with 25 for a pretty solid effort from 9AM to 8PM with a break for a shore lunch and a rest.  As others have stated, I don't know what it is - but these bass are brutes!  I've never experienced 2 1/2 to 3 lb bass being literally almost impossible to turn around and they are savvy in the way they will wrap you around a stump.  Big fish was a 4-8, second biggest was a 3-3 and only 2 unders.  Most productive lures were T-Rig worms and paddle-tail swimbaits.

Posted By: Mark Daugherty