Apr 10 2017
Bryan Buchan
My brother and son met at Coalgate the weekend of April 7-9 for our annual fishing get together. We had a great time, as usual, and caught a lot of fish. Outside of a couple of fish in the 4-5 lb. range at Twin Lakes, almost everything was small (< 14"). Started out at Crabgrass Friday afternoon, and took a total of about 15 small bass and two crappie. Moved to Peach Creek, and just about the same story. Most of the fish were caught on motor oil TR worms. A lot of the fish had eggs in them.
Saturday we fished Twin Lakes in the morning. The wind was really howling. I tried to get top water to work anyway, and got frustrated missing hits on frogs across the lily pads on South Twin. The hooks on the frogs are great to keep from getting hung up skimming across the pads, but not so great at hooking the fish. Oh well. My son caught a nice 4.5 pounder on South Twin, and my brother caught one about the same on North Twin. Other than that, all small fish mostly on plastic worms.
We braved the wind Saturday afternoon on Moonshine, and had a great time. Caught a whole lot (~50) of smaller fish all over the lake, except near the bank. Several instances where at least two of us had fish on at the same time.
Sunday morning was windy as well, and we fished Lower Hart. The grass and weeds have grown up to just below the water surface in a lot of the lake. It was frustrating until I finally figured out I could fast retrieve my TR worm across the top of the weeds and the bass would hit it just like a top water. It was lots of fun. Nothing big in Lower Hart, but we harvested about 30 under 14". I won't go into the embarrasing details, but I also sacrificed my rod and reel to the lake gods at Lower Hart. Luckily it was the end of the trip, and was fitting after harvesting so many fish to actually give something back. I actually tried to donate my phone to Moonshine as well, but fished it out (pardon the pun). It works a little, but it's probably time to go to the Sprint Store on my trip to get another rod/reel. All in all, another great trip at a great property with great company.