Things are popping at Escondido

Apr 01 2017

William Fetech


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Fished the morning of April 1st as a partner with Andy Dear and his son Jackson. I was on the water at 7:30 and Andy arrived around 9. 



Overcast sky

Wind steady at 10 most of the morning 

Water temp: 71

Air temp: 64-75

Water good color and maybe clear to 1-2 ft

Results. Caught 19 and culled 4 of those. Most of the culls were 12 to just  under 14. 

Started the day along the dam with a green, chart, black hula popper and caught about 5 one at 4-9 and probably lost as many. The owner was there adding fertilizer to the water. We talked for a little time and I thanked him for allowing PWF to lease the property. I then started running the bank opposite the pier switching between the popper and a motor oil senko unweighted with a spinner blade tail and probably caught another 6  or 7. Most were in the 2-3 # range with a couple near 4#. Since I previously had good luck with a sexy shad rattletrap , tied one on and caught another 5-6. Fished the trap fast and erratically and I guess that triggered reaction strikes. 

Before I left talked with Andy and Jackson and found that Jackson had caught a 5-2 to have the biggest of the day so far. 

Planning to return the last Friday of May for a full day and looking for a partner. 


Posted By: William Fetech

Apr 01 2017

Nicholas Borowski


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Glad to hear you had a good time Bill, headed there tomorrow and it's showing continuous rain until 12…we shall see how it goes 

Apr 01 2017

William Fetech


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Good luck with the storms. 


Apr 01 2017

Andrew Dear


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Bill recommended the hula popper for a topwater bite that he found was going on. Jackson had at least 8-10 blowups on a Rebel Pop-R and landed maybe 3. When we got back to the lily pads we decided on the spro fro….had multiple blowups and misses on that, and Jackson finally landed the 5.20lb on a red/white spro. I haven't found one bad spot on the entire perimeter of the lake's shoreline….even the dam has produced a TON of fish for us.